Mortal Kombat Sub-Zero Q-Figure

Strovolos, Nicosia,

Added: 24 May. 2022, at 12:34
| Ad ID number: #918 | Ad Views: 1005

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Condition: New


He can freeze his enemies. He can smash them to pieces with one touch. Sub-Zero is without a doubt the coolest ninja in Mortal Kombat, and now the Cryomancer is joining the new Quantum Mechanix Q-Fig series inspired by the iconic fighting game.

Ice control and the ability to freeze enemies make Sub-Zero a ferocious and destructive foe in Mortal Kombat. Obsessed with the rivalry with Scorpio, Sub-Zero still lives by the principles of honor and justice, honing his deadly fighting skills.

The Sub-Zero figurine depicts the assassin of the Lin Kuei clan in preparation for a duel with his sworn enemy, the demonic Scorpion. Every detail of Sub-Zero's signature costume has been crafted down to the smallest detail, down to the armor, mask and gloves.

Title: Mortal Kombat
Category: Figures
Approx. Height (Cm): 9
Material: High-Quality PVC
Age: 15+

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