Mortal Kombat Scorpion Q-Figure

Strovolos, Nicosia,

Added: 24 May. 2022, at 12:37
| Ad ID number: #919 | Ad Views: 1023

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Condition: New


they say you can’t keep a good man down. Well, you definitely can’t keep this hell-spawned ninja down, either. Scorpion just keeps coming back for more, and now he’s bringing the power of fire and flame to QMx’s new series of Q-Figs inspired by Mortal Kombat.

Harnessing hellfire itself, Scorpion’s elemental attacks and his brutal spear make certain no one can escape his clutches. Locked in a fierce rivalry with Sub-Zero and consumed by his desire for vengeance against those who destroyed his clan, Scorpion is immune to death. His mask hides a ferocious, flame-spewing skull that can torch any combatant foolish enough to challenge him.

The Scorpion Q-Fig features the iconic anti-hero of the Mortal Kombat series in all his fiery glory. Faithfully based on his video game appearance, Scorpion’s costume doesn’t leave out a single detail as he stands amidst flame and fury. And, of course, Scorpion is posed while launching his signature spear attack that will have you shouting his signature line every time you look at this stunning new Q-Fig by QMx.

Title: Mortal Kombat
Category: Figures
Approx. Height (Cm): 9
Material: High-Quality PVC
Age: 15+

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